Jim Baiseri RM-2 1967-1968 - - Submitted 1/2/16
I never was aware of this association. I was just curious one day and started looking on line for some history on the USS Estes and that is how I found the web site. I was very excited that there was an association of the USS Estes Crew members. I would very much like to be added to the Estes Crew Roster.
I was in the communication Department and I spent most of my time in Central Control handling all of the Crypto communications.
Our space was designated Top Secret and had very limited access.
I saw only one other RM2 on the Crew Roster but I just don't remember him, it has been about 48 years ago that I left the Estes on May 27th, 1968.
We were ported in Subic Bay when I was discharged and they bused us over to Clark Air Force Base for the flight back to Treasure Island, San Francisco.
I'd appreciate being included in any future plans or correspondence regarding the USS Estes and its Crew.
Thank you very much for responding to my email.
Best Regards,
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