Wayne D. Clark YN-3 1953-1955 - - Submitted 8/5/08
I reported to USS Estes in January 53 out of Boot Camp as Seaman Duce. Joined the G division as Yoman left the Estes June 55 as Yoman 3rd Class. During that time I was on Operation Blue Nose -Summer of 53, Operation Castle -January to May of 54, and Operation Passage to Freedom, while in the Far East -July 54 to May 55. I transferred to Newport, Rhode Island in July 55, and finished my tour as Yoman 2nd Class at the Shore Patrol Headquarters
While in Japan, after Operation Passage to Freedom, I had a taylor make me a jacket from a navy blouse and embroider the pattern on the back of it that was on the special envelope issued at the time of the Operation. Still have both the envelope and the Jacket. I am now 75, but when I look at the picture of the Estes and the Cameo shot of the Kid in it the memories come flooding back.
Wayne D. Clark
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