Franklin Holcomb Disbursing Officer 1951-1953 - - Submitted 12/09/19
My name is Franklin Holcomb. I was an Ensign who served aboard
the ESTES AGC 12 as the Disbursing Officer. I had graduated from
the US Naval Academy on June 2, 1950 and had reported to the
Navy Supply Corp School at Bayonne, New Jersey for an 8 month
course for Supply Officers. When war broke out in Korea the Course
was shortened to 5 months and I was ordered to the USS ESTES
which had just been taken out of mothballs where it had been for
only seven months. I reported aboard the Estes about Christmas
1951 as the Ship's Disbursing Officer as one of the first Officers
reporting. The Capt of the Ship was Capt Wood, and I believe the
1st Lieutenant's name was Greatchus. I received orders to report to
a Destroyer as the Supply Officer on about January 1st, 1953.
While on the Estes, the Ship prepared a very nice Brochure that listed all of Officers and Crew and had some nice pictures of the Crew's Mess showing some of the crew working at the "gee-dunk". I have misplaced my Brochure. If you can find a copy of it, I would be happy to pay any price you would charge to mail me a copy.
I will be 92 years old on May 1, 2020 and now live in a Retirement
Home. My address is:
35 Fenton Street Apt 217
Livermore, California 94550
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