Theodore (Tedd) Rodenbeck FTG-SN 1965-1966 - - Submitted 11/18/08
I'm not sure where I came up with a couple of the names, but.looking at the 3rd Division's group photo (1965 Cruise Book),
Standing from the left:: Mr. Irving, Alloway, R.(obert) Gordon, Steve Adams, Michael Shea, Gerry Wilke, Tedd Rodenbeck, Whitaker and Miller.
Sitting from the left: (Holliday?), Lapp, "Shorty(L?), Tony Guide And (Ray?) Brousarrd.
That's what I've come up with at this point. There also was a deck hand named Scott Sharp from Texas.was a 'good buddy' and lost track after service. He is in a couple of pictures in the last section of pictures named "This was the life." He is right behind me on page 87, lower right hand corner and I think I saw his picture in another frame.
Tedd Rodenbeck
FTGSN (at the time aboard Estes - FTG3 at completion of active duty)
3rd Division
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