Wally Schirra 1946 - - Submitted 7/12/13
I am a spaceflight author currently researching the careers of former astronauts. In Wally Schirra's 1988 biography(p18-19) he writes that between April and Dec 1946 he was assigned to the headquarters communications ship USS Estes as Briefing Officer to Adm. Charles Maynard Cooke, Cdr of 7th Fleet (Pacific). When I accessed your site for details of the hull number on the Estes and details of Schirra's service on the ship I could not find him listed?
I hope this helps your historical record and adds a famous crew member to your role call. Of course Schirra was one of the Mercury 7 astronauts selected in 1959 and flew on Mercury 8 in 1962, Gemini 6 in 1965 and Apollo 7 in 1968. Not bad for a black shoe navy man:)
All the best in your efforts
Dave Shayler, FBIS
Director AIS Ltd
*Astro Info Service Limited*
*26 High Farm Road*
*Hurst Green*
*West Midlands*
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