Cincinnati, Ohio
Hilton North
Host Ship USS Ancon AGC-4
U.S.S. Estes Association
Frank Brogan
Wallace & Betty Bender
Norm & Kay Carlson
Roy & Ethel Coffin
Harold & Lenore Cleaver
Clarence & Doris Clarke
Harold & Bernadine Hutchens
David & Irene Konshok
Leonard & Eleanor Rowson
Richard & Margaret Steenbergen
Harry & Lois Wenner
Noah & Jane Joyner
Donald & Clara Greiwe
Steve & Ann Timberlake
Chris & Stephanie Timberlake
(Daughter & Family of Noah & Jane Joyner)
** We wish to acknowledge the kind generosity of the USS Ancon reunion staff in
allowing us the priviledge of holding our first reunion utilizing their facility during
their 40th reunion.
A prior reunion for 1986 did not materialize due to
lack of interest.
This reunion was to take place with another AGC former (AVP) USS Biscayne in San Antonio, TX.
Don Greiwe, Roy Coffin, Noah Joyner
Dick Steenbergen, Frank Brogan, Clarence Clarke
Harold Cleaver, Hod Hutchins, Wally Bender
Dave Konshok, Harry Wenner
USS Estes Association Reunion Info
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