Louisville, Kentucky
Galt House
Host Ship USS Ancon AGC-4
U.S.S. Estes Association
David & Irene Konshok
Harry & Lois Wenner
Wallace & Betty Bender
Noah & Jane Joyner
Dick & Marge Steenbergen
Donald & Clara Greiwe
Norm & Kay Carlson
Seth & Harriet Varney
Joe Yacona
Harold & Bernadine Hutchens
Dick & Bev Herzog
Bernie Hozdik
Lori Wood
** Again we wish to thank the leadership of the USS Ancon Association for allowing us
aboard while we gain the necessary personnel and momentum required to play the
game on our own. Thanks to Vince Aprile, Ancon Assn.
Churchill Down Race Track
Louisville, KY
USS Estes Association Reunion Info
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