Admiral Nimitz Museum

Fredericksburg, Texas

Veterans Day - 2004

U.S.S. Estes AGC/LCC-12

Memorial Plaque Dedication Activities

U.S.S. Estes AGC/LCC-12

Veterans Day and Memorial Plaque Program

November 11, 2004

Pledge of Allegiance: In Unison with group standing
Welcome: Helen McDonald - Nimitz Museum
Remarks: Noah Joyner - Estes Association
Memorial Service:
Bell Ceremony (Shipmates)
   Charles Brewer
   Walt Craver
Association Chaplain
   Dick Steenbergen
Taps: Museum Buglar
Unveiling of Plaque
Commemerative Wall
   Don Self
   Barent Gibson

Entire Group moves to the wall where the plaque is viewed and photography is welcomed.


The above deceased were remembered by ringing of the bell, prayer and playing of "Taps."

Veterans Day
Plaque Dedication Address

On this day, Veterans Day, we are commemerating the installation of a services plaque to honor the services of all those who served in the USS Estes, AGC/LCC-12. Our honor further extends to the services of those in all wars and the Cold War.

We remember how men and women set aside their civilian pursuits to serve their mation's cause, defending the freedom of mankind and preserving our precious American heritage.

We believe our strength on the field of battle, on the supply lines which nourished our armed might, lay in the justice of our cause against the forces of evil. We believe our determination made us better warriors because we fought with our minds and our hearts as well as our bodies.

We recognize service to our country and her cause does not end with the termination of military service. We continue our endeavors in behalf of an honorable world peace with a feeling of profound gratitude to God, and to the men and women who gave their lives as part of the cost of this noblest of causes.

Out of blood and sweat we learned of purpose, sacrifice, tolerance, bravery, and discipline. These are solid foundation stones upon which a great nation is built. In our continuing quest for an honorable world peace we must cultivate these virtues.

And so here today, Veterans Day, we proudly dedicate our plaque on the Commemerative Wall of the "Admiral Nimitz Museum" a proud legacy of our armed service in the search for a peaceful world.

Thank you for attending and may God bless you always.

Veterans Day & Plaque Dedication Prayer

Chaplain: Dick Steenbergen

Oh God of Hosts, we bow our heads in thankfulness for the victories Thou has granted us - to us and to those peoples who have united with us to stamp out the evils of aggression, intolerance and greed.

We beseech Thee to bring the blessings of understanding to the families and friends, in this and other lands, of those who have given their lives that men may be free. Grant Oh God, the courage to so live with the family of nations around the world that the end of strife will be the beginning of enduring peace. Grant us patience in planning with our fellow men and women a world in which nations may resolve their differences by peaceful means.

Touch Thou the souls of people in every land with the enduring light of wisdom so they may form a brotherhood which will strive to further the arts of peace under laws and ethics blessed by Thy love.

Grant us now Thy continued blessing upon unity and strength, that makes victories possible in war, that we may win greater victories of peace. Amen.

Attending Ship's Plaque Dedication

Frank & Carolyn Lance
Richard Steenbergen
Horace & Jackie Bowden
Walt & Nancy Craver
Ray & Evelyn Cordova
Frank & Donna Doyle
Richard & Clara Hilgert
David & Irene Kensbok
Millie Kirk
Barrent Gibson & Norma Oliver
Noah Joyner
Murray & Marion Borenstein
Charles & JoAnn Brewer
Rich & Sharon Cherry
Rev. Alvin & Doris Crooks
Fred & Dorothy DeFields
Dick Hogan
Toney & Rose Mihelic
Harry & Lois Wemmer
Richard Draves
Don & Rosemary Self

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